I'm going to school in Vienna and I have books to read. Truth be told, I bought the books in June and have been carrying around a whopping 500 page book since I bought it and I am only 50 pages in. In my defense, I had to put in down for 10 days so I could travel to Syria (where I read a good portion of one of the history of Vienna books).

Then I "helped" build a treehouse for a few days while I nursed my jet-lagged body back to health. Then it was July 4th and then I was on a houseboat for a week with 70 youth and didn't get much reading in. Then I got back form the boat and my body needed more nursing back to health after catching a cold in 110 degree F weather. Then I returned to home in Woodland to celebrate my trip with family and friends. Needless to say at least most my laundry is clean and packed.
SO it is Wednesday July 28 and I'm working on reading page 61 and got distracted with blogging to confess my procrastination while I prepare to leave the United States of America. I'll say 'Tschüss' to life here in California for a month and ask for eine gute Reise und gute Studien because Ich fliege am Samstag nach Österreich.
Now I'm off to a Dodgers game to celebrate my dad's 53rd Birthday. Alles gute zum Geburtstag!
Cheers to a good trip and good studies in Austria. Not Italian because Vienna is in Austria, not Italy. Venice is in Italy and we have our mini geography lesson for today. Ich fliege nach Wien!
